The Bright Side to Layoffs
With the economic recession looming over us in 2023, losing your job is a genuine and terrifying possibility. You might think nothing good can come from getting laid off except having more free time. “You can’t even do anything with all that time because now you’re not earning any money to fund those hobbies,” right?
A bright future awaits, and a layoff is your chance to prepare for the adventure ahead. And no, this isn’t blind optimism. Rest and recovery are always necessary for a long journey like the pursuit of a successful career.
Think of rest stops along the highways of Malaysia—they aren’t there for the losers who don’t have a good enough car to drive through the night; they’re purposefully placed at intervals for travellers to rest and refuel for the rest of the way! Layoffs work the same way. They’re rest stops that allow you to relieve your pent-up stress and sort out problems you didn’t have time to handle along life’s busy road. There is a bright side to layoffs, and we will discuss how you can turn this period of your life into fuel for the rest of your career journey!
Finally, Reach the End of Your To-Do List
You’ve probably accumulated a lengthy list of tasks you never got around to doing amid all the 9-to-5s, overtime projects and the ‘more important stuff’ that needs doing on the weekends. Now that you have time, why not spend a portion of it ticking things off that list?
Cancel those subscriptions you don’t need anymore, do those health check-ups you’ve been postponing and read the books piled up on your nightstand. Start tackling that pile of paperwork you’ve been putting off so that when you get a new job and take off on your adventure, you won’t have this nagging feeling that there’s a backlog of stuff that still needs doing!
Properly Assess Your Finances
When the money goes in and out of your bank account in an endless cycle, it can be hard to gauge how much you’re spending objectively every day. After all, saving time often beats saving money on the job. Those Grab rides and wake-me-up coffees add up—and so do those coupons you never used. Now that you’re on a break and have to be more conscious about how much you spend, take this opportunity to figure out new and sustainable ways to save when you start working at a new place.
Renew & Recharge For Real
Travelling might seem like one of those expensive hobbies you shouldn’t be entitled to when you’ve no longer got a steady stream of income, but it doesn’t have to be a month-long trip that bleeds you dry. That weekend getaway to Johor that never happened, that short trip to somewhere further for a holiday might be the refresher your soul needs.
Take advantage of all the time you now have to work on your health—develop a regular workout schedule, meet up with loved ones and start journaling. Go for walks, visit museums or explore parts of Singapore you’ve never been to. Recharge yourself and regain the passion for life you might have lost amid all the hustle and bustle of work.
Realign Your Goals
You may have been forced to press the pause button on your career for now, but there’s still plenty you can (and should) do as you look forward. This is the best time to change your career goals and revise your next steps. Take stock of your work experiences and realign your career goals to reflect your latest needs and desires and the current reality. The world changes quickly these days, and technology is developing at the speed of light. What you thought was far off a year ago might be closer than ever today. And sometimes, it takes a break from the hustling for us to realise that.
Preparing for the Adventure that Awaits
Once you’ve realigned your goals and revised your career plans, it’s time for action again. Start looking for a job that will get you closer to those goals and learn new skills that will make you more marketable or provide you with a source of income at some point in the future. Learn a new language, learn how to code, pick up video editing, any or all of these skills might be what sets you apart from the rest at your following job interview.
Visit conventions or attend seminars to learn more about the industry. Network and meet people who share the same goals and aspirations. One of these people might be the connection between you and your dream job!
And when you’re ready, send us your resume, and we’ll find you the perfect job that meets your career goals and needs all at once!