Does Having A Degree Really Matters When Finding A Job?

Today, most tertiary level students will plan to enter a university after graduating – local, overseas or private. In many cases, they pursue this degree simply to be viewed as higher educated people or to please their parents.

Deciding whether or not to go to university is one of the most important decisions of our lives and one that will definitely shape our career. The degree will recognize our hard work. Today, many employers are rewarding people who have very specific, advanced skills and own a bachelor’s degree.

Most of us are told to go to university by our parents and some are even forced as their parents want them to have a better future. Parents often believe that university graduates who earn a degree seem to get better job opportunities than the ones who don’t have a university degree. They think that a degree will not only increase their chances of finding a job but it will also lead them towards the career of their choice.

In today’s competitive job market, employers want to know how dedicated and self-motivated their future employees are. Furthermore, employers also want to know that their employees have a well-rounded basic education. The advantages of a university degree will be proven when their resume is chosen over those who did not make the commitment to complete their education. Having a university degree is also the perfect way to demonstrate one’s capabilities and impress a prospective employer.

On the other hand, most employers also agree that work experience can mean just as much to employers as a degree. Just showing you’re dedicated and have gone out there and experienced the world of work can be impressive. However, career paths such as engineering and medicine, degrees are undoubtedly essential.

In conclusion, having a university degree could help an individual to succeed in today’s highly competitive world but is not necessary. Besides that, pursuing a university degree will broaden their horizons and improve their outlook on the world in general and their respective community in particular.

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